Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Gone Age

I was remembering the hounds I loved forty years back while looking at the hounds I love today and realizing the spirit in those of forty years back and the spirit of those today is the same thing. That thing is unadulterated honesty of being. Entirely unlike the human beings I have known, who have mostly been adulterated entirely and absolutely in their honesty all along, and yet, evolving, or devolving, regressing, ever further through the years. Every new age learns how to lie in new and different and worse ways. Each succeeding age, become more professional at the lie. Every age further corrupts the definitions of terms until now, most all the noble, great terms, though meaning, by themselves, exactly what they meant when they were coined, when set against those things people now use them for, well... Terms do not often these days define truthfully and properly the things people use them to define these things, these people.

I think a basic element and proof of the corruption of an age is to notice terms, and their use, and consider if the terms are being used to define the thing properly. If so, the age is not corrupt. If not, the age is corrupt. To read history at all shows that the corruption of nations has a long history to it. But I believe it could be said that this particular age in this particular nation is creme of the crop, top (or bottom) of the heap, regarding absolute, irretrievable corruption.

It is the Gone Age.

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